Pitch perfect eLearning

David (on the left with the John Knox hat) with Toronto Blue Jays knuckleballer R.A. Dickey and the inimitable Jennifer Harold at convocation last month.
David Kupp, one of the eCurious senior partners, is both an educator and an educationist. As an educator, he is professor of Urban and International Development at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto. As an educationist, which is to say someone who studies the theory of education and learning, he has been nearly a lifetime student. He’s been curious about how people learn for a long time.
Adult learning is all about the process of learning, and creating learning that is goal-oriented, relevant and practical. It must also be engaging, collaborative and open to the multitude of learning experiences that adults bring with them. Challenging indeed. Almost as hard as delivering the perfect knuckleball pitch.
eCurious solutions are built on the best theory and practice of adult and organizational learning. As you explore what we have to offer, take a look at our learning brief. In it, we give you a quick overview of the five foundational theoretical pieces that undergird all the work that we do. It is how we ensure that you get the best learning solution possible for your learning community.