eCurious enjoyed a great collaborative experience with the Peacebuilding Team at World Vision International, building a module on the Do No Harm approach to aid delivery. We converted the excellent materials developed by inter-agency groups on this subject into animated graphics with professional voice over to convey the core information. Mixing information delivery...
Read MoreThe local partnering group at World Vision International commissioned eCurious to develop a Partnering Basics module for staff to go through prior to attending a workshop. The module was created around a well-developed case study using engaging graphics and intuitive navigation. Custom-built interactions based on the learning objectives for the project take learners...
Read MoreAs part of a larger organisational change initiative, eCurious developed a Jeopardy-like game to take learners through a number of child protection situations to introduce changes to this NGO’s policy and standards. We created categories of knowledge vertically and levels of difficulty horizontally in order to profile the issues at stake. In this version of the...
Read MoreeLearning development is both an art and a science, and the combination of these two elements makes this question a complex one—like nailing jello to the wall. eLearning is often quantified in terms of costs per finished hour, but what constitutes that hour is not clearly or universally defined. It’s one of our frequently asked questions, so it bears some...
Read MoreEver sinced I changed careers more than ten years ago, I’ve been passionate (some might say obsessed) about developing efficient processes for creating eLearning and other rich content. Whenever I see an example of great eLearning, I immediately start wondering, “How did they make that? Are they able to respond to feedback and make adjustments easily? Have they...
Read MoreDavid Kupp, one of the eCurious senior partners, is both an educator and an educationist. As an educator, he is professor of Urban and International Development at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto. As an educationist, which is to say someone who studies the theory of education and learning, he has been nearly a lifetime student. He’s been curious about how...
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